HBMS sat down with environmental journalist and healer, Kathleen Rude to discuss the trends in women's spiritual health as well as ceremonial practices for women's personal change, growth and healing.
Kathleen began her studies in 1996 with a Blackfoot medicine Elder and has studied with other North American traditional people to learn various ways of hands-on healing and ceremonial practices. She has been publicly practicing holistic spiritual methods for 2 1/2 years.
Her interest in energy healing and spirituality is closely tied to her passion and love for the environment. "I wanted to study people that live close to the earth, indigenous people, and that is where my studies with the Blackfoot Native American tribe began. I wanted to look at changing our value system, looking into what people value and how to protect the planet,” she says.
Kathleen offers a sweat lodge ceremony once a month and has seen an increase of women in attendance over the past 8 years. "The sweat lodge ceremony is an opportunity for women to reconnect to the earth and to all life forms. It is an opportunity to remember our connection to all of life. Traditionally, women were not allowed to participate in sweat lodge ceremonies, particularly when they were menstruating as women were deemed 'too powerful' during that time," she says. Kathleen welcomes women, even during menstruation to her sweat lodge ceremonies. "It is empowering for women to gather and remember women's wisdom - traditional views of who can participate in sweat lodge ceremonies are changing."
The sweat lodge is essentially a community prayer in which each participant focuses on "4 doors." "While inside the sweat lodge, you are asked to vocalize a prayer for yourself, for healing for others in your life, for non-human forms (the environment), and finally, a prayer expressing gratitude," she says. The sweat lodge represents the "womb of the earth" and upon exiting, a kind of spiritual "rebirth" emerges.
Kathleen's New Moon Circle and Full Moon Circles offer women an opportunity to connect to their own internal cycles and the cycles of life. The work is based closely on the work of Jamie Sams in "The 13 Original Clan Mothers." There is energy for each month, and therefore a focus for the circle. These circles are listening circles where surprisingly, there is no cross-dialogue.
Kathleen notes that there is a "real power in being witness, holding space, listening and being heard." In the New Moon and Full Moon circles, "women share their experiences, participate in guided meditation and go inward to hear their own inner guidance. These circles help us remember that we (as women) have this wisdom inside of us. It helps us to connect to our Goddess," she says.
We asked Kathleen if she has seen an increase in the number of women that attend her ceremonies and look to her for guidance - essentially if these spiritual practices are a trend in women's health. Kathleen's New Moon Circle and Full Moon circle continues to grow; she has a core of women who regularly attend as well as new members. With regard to her sweat lodge ceremonies, she has seen an increase in interest, particularly with "women only" lodges.
Kathleen attributes this increase to a shift in the world where we see "divine feminine energy starting to emerge - a growing re-awakening and we need it." However, she does not denounce the importance of male energy and male healers. “Men and women have different healing gifts, and we need them both, in conjunction with each other,” she says.
If Kathleen could give one piece of advice to women in an effort to balance work, life, relationships, despair and confusion it would be this: "To reach out to other women - don't do it alone. If you can, become part of any women's circle. Respect yourself enough to take the time, one time per month. To talk from the heart, and share it, be in a circle so women can hold it (the energy). There is a lot of power and healing in remembering our connection to each other. And the moon, she is a wonderful reminder to our connection to life on this planet."
Currently, Kathleen practices at the Northshore Healing Center in Glenview, Illinois. To sign up for Kathleen's mailing list and to be notified of upcoming circles and ceremonies (the next circle will be held August 1, 2008 at the center), e-mail her at ksrude@nshealing.com.
Happy healing!